Exchanging using the Bus for an Electric Scooter

We have been talking to our customers asking them how and why they use their electric scooters. In this blog we are looking at Zoe, why she loves her Xiaomi M365, and how it has improved her situation.

Zoe is in her mid-thirties and for most of her adult life had been getting the bus to go to the high street when she needed to grab a few bits from the shop or pop into the post office. Zoe doesn’t own a car and lives on the outskirts of a small village where public transport isn’t as frequent as in many larger towns and cities.

The buses in Zoe’s area only come once every two hours and take quite a convoluted route before they get to her closest high street. This means that the journey takes 1 hour and 10 minutes each way, more when there’s a lot of traffic. When you added the total travelling time and the wait for the bus, it often takes up the best part of the day just to get the few items that she needs.

On occasion Zoe would ride her push bike, but with a backpack full of essential items like milk, bread, cereal etc. it would start to weigh her down, especially when she got to the hillier parts of the journey.

She mentioned that on one occasion when she had used her bike it started raining heavily.  She asked the bus driver if she could travel back with her bike on the bus but she was told that there just wasn’t enough space. So Zoe and her shopping got soaked cycling back home.

Zoe had considered saving up for an electric bike but the costs were too high and she couldn’t quite afford it at the time. And there was still the problem of it not being particularly portable when needed. So she resigned herself to using the local public transport and having to spend hours waiting for and travelling on the bus.

One of the biggest factors Zoe mentioned was the fun element of riding her electric scooter through the country lanes.

That all changed when Zoe saw an electric scooter being ridden through the local high street one afternoon. She thought that it would be a great idea although she needed to do some research. Zoe wasn’t aware that there was such a large range available and that they could cope with hills and the distance fairly easily.

Once she had read up on information and understood the capabilities of modern electric scooters she started searching for the best e-scooter for her needs and budget.

After a bit of research Zoe decided that the Xiaomi M365 standard scooter would be ideal. She described herself as a petite lady so weight wasn’t a problem and the range would be fine to get her to the shops and back a couple of times before it would need recharging.

The added bonus for Zoe was that if it started raining whilst she was at the shops that she was allowed to fold it down and take it back on the bus with her.

One of the biggest factors Zoe mentioned was the fun element of riding her electric scooter through the country lanes. Zoe described her trips to the shops as some of best fun she had experienced on two wheels in a long time.

Apparently during the summer months and more pleasant autumn days Zoe would take what she called ‘the scenic route’, going well out of her way just to spend more time out and about on her Xiaomi M365.

Apart from having to replace the air filled tyres with a set of puncture proof versions to cope with the country lane splinters and stones, Zoe claims she wouldn’t be without her electric scooter ever again. We understand that Zoe even talked one of her neighbours into getting one as well and that they now head out for adventures together around the Gloucestershire countryside on their Xiaomi M365 electric scooters.

If you would like to share your story with us of how you have benefited from your electric scooter then we would love to hear from you.
